If you always search for something on the internet, then you must have seen the message of error with some code at some time or the other. In technical language, it is called troubleshooting common HTTP error codes. Each of the codes has its own meaning and implication, which gives the reason for the error. This code error says that you can not access the website or file that you are searching for. These error codes are also known as HTTP error codes. As you know that HTTP is actually a technical programming process, which is mainly used to connect customers/clients or audiences to the server and website or application.
Troubleshooting HTTP codes can easily tell you whether the error can be fixed or not by you because every code has its specific meaning and explains different aspects of error problems. So, we are sharing information about some very common HTTP errors that people usually see on the internet and get confused about them.
Some very popular and common troubleshooting HTTP errors
400 Bad Request
400 Bad Request is a client-side error. This error code mainly occurs when we manually type any URL. Code 400 reflects a bad request. It means the sent request to the server is invalid or incorrect. It may appear because of site-related cookies, browser bugs or most commonly a wrong or invalid URL.
401 Unauthorized
401 Code occurs whenever the HTTP tries to access any file or resources that are not authenticated or verified. However, a user can access the protected URL by giving some required credentials. This code and massage mainly appear when anyone tries to access resources which are protected by HTTP authentication.
403 Forbidden
This code arises when the URL or tried resources are valid but the server refuses to give access. The server may refuse to give access to resources for several reasons such as it The server may not have been given sufficient permission to access that resource.
404 Not Found
When the server is unable to find the requested resources or file, then the server may show the user’s Not Found message with HTTP code error 404. There can be various reasons for this 404 code error. Generally, it occurs if the users mistype the URL or the owner has deleted or removed the resources or files.
500 Internal Server Error
500 internal server error is a very common server-side error where a server can reject a requested HTTP URL without giving you any reasons. As the message shows it is an internal server error. However, as per analytics, server misconfiguration is the most common reason for this 500 error code troubleshooting.
502 Bad Gateway
502 Bad Gateway error troubleshooting is different from other error codes. It shows that the server is trying to get a response as a gateway or proxy server from another server but not getting any response. Usually, it pops on the screen when it takes longer than usual to complete the task.
There can be several reasons for troubleshooting. Some troubleshooting can be fixed by yourself but many troubleshooting also arises because of server and other reasons that you can not change. so it is advisable to take help from hosting experts this time. unlike other companies, it4int always stands with their customers. so if you have need any kind of hep, we are here.